Another Letter….

Here is another letter in what we hope will be a series of letters written to future spouses.  If you would like to submit your own letter you may email us at

Dear future significant other,

 I use the term “significant other” to describe you only because I can think of no other term at the moment. I dislike the word “spouse” although it has a perfectly lovely Latin root. I also dislike the term  “mate” because it makes us sound like a couple of prized race horses or pure bred dogs. And so, I am stuck with the words “significant other” although it is cliché and I hate a cliché, but as you see, I have no choice.

 I speak to you in an intelligent manner as I hope you will be intelligent and be able to understand me. Perhaps it is asking too much, because I am not really snobbish and I understand there are different types of intelligence. But I cannot help but think that you, if you exist, are an intelligent person.

 I say “if you exist” because, up until recently, I had ceased to believe in you. Oh I had been taught to believe in you! How I had been taught! But, I did not know as a child of what the future would hold and what would lie ahead. Yes, I must say that in your absence, sometimes things have been quite painful and confusing.

 It has been a strange and interesting world I have lived in during these past years. I have seen things that I did not wish to see and heard things that I did not wish to hear. We all experience these things. I am not complaining because it has been “a wonderful life” (there again with a cliché).  But, it has been painful and wonderful all wrapped up into one. I realize now that all these painful and wonderful experiences are in fact, life itself.

 But yes, during these experiences, I am sorry, but I ceased to believe in you. I found your existence to be impossible. I wondered about your existence in the same way I once struggled with the existence of God. I do not doubt God’s existence anymore, and in so doing, I no longer doubt yours. Does that sound crazy? Perhaps it is, but most people don’t think like me. That is something perhaps you will appreciate.

 The reason why that my reconciliation with God’s existence helped me to once again believe in YOU is simple. It is because once, years ago, God spoke to me in an odd and curious way. It was shocking and at the time I wasn’t sure what He was talking about. I even thought I had lost my mind. I wasn’t even concerned at the time with finding a “significant other”  but with a completely unrelated matter. I was praying and God pressed into my mind (in that way that He does) and this is what He said: “It will seem like you are never going to get what you want out of life. It’s going to seem like a very long time. You are going to give up and you are going to stop believing, but someday you will get everything you have ever dreamed of, even though it seems to you like you’re never going to get it. And, no matter what happens,  I don’t want you to be afraid.”

 No, I didn’t know what that was about at the time. I even convinced myself later, as I struggled with the very existence of a “God who would let me suffer so much,” that I had imagined those words. But, now I realize, no I didn’t imagine it. So apparently, if God exists then you exist. So I just have to keep believing in both of you.

I have to remember not to be afraid even though, at times, I have been, very much so.

 I guess I just always believed that you would rescue me from my troubles. I believed that your somehow arriving would make me feel better about myself. I imagined that I would never feel unattractive or unloved again if only you were here. I imagined you would rescue me. I guess I set you up to fail.

 But, I realize now that I have to rescue myself first. I allowed myself to let Satan lie to me and convince me to believe horrible things about myself.  No one on earth can be expected to heal my wounded soul. It is too much for any mortal, except for myself. I have to allow myself to heal. I have to rescue myself and not expect you to do it for me.

 I have even worried for years that God would force me to marry someone that I didn’t like. I worried that whomever it was God intended for me would not be who I have dreamed of since childhood. I still struggle with that. I guess I should fix that and trust that God’s dreams should be my dreams instead of  the other way around.

 I will tell you, that unless God changes me and makes me suddenly overly confident that YOU are going to be the one to have to make the first move. I tend to put up walls and shy away from those in whom I am interested. I hope I haven’t done that to you if we already know each other. I hope you have enough courage and patience to understand that any apparent slight I might make toward you is only out of my serious lack of confidence. Oh and if “confidence” is something you find attractive, I’m sorry, I’m still working on that one.

 I will try not to think of you or imagine you until you miraculously show up. I hope you understand. It is not that I am unromantic. It is because I am too much so. Thinking of you and how you are NOT here to make me feel like all the other “married or in a relationship” people on social networking websites feel (or act like they feel) about THEIR “significant others” is just a little too upsetting. I feel like I’m missing out on a huge part of life because you are not here. I can’t help it. I’m only mortal. I cannot see things as God sees them. I do try everyday.

 I try everyday as I see all the repeated posts of wedding and engagement pictures on these websites. Everyday it seems like one more person whom I thought was perhaps even more shy than I am when it comes to relationships, ends up with their pictures all over the place. It is a bit depressing. I know that sounds stupid. But I long for those stupid pictures that everyone insists on having taken. I long for them and for writing the check for the ridiculous amount of money.

 Yes, that’s just how I am. I long for the relationship too, but I also long for people to be happy for me. I long for people to tell me how amazing it is and how lucky I am. I long for that instead of feeling like everyone is looking at me and wondering what is wrong with me.

 Yes, I worry about what people think. It has been hammered into my head. It’s hard to change.

 So yes, hurry up already! I swear it is not like I insist that we get married or anything  right away! Because at this point I would settle for a steak dinner and bouquet of roses. I don’t even really ask for a lot. I only demand you be a Christian, kind to children and animals, and fairly literate. You know, the usual stuff. Surely you can make that happen huh?

 And in return I offer you loyalty, affection, encouragement, and all the other things that you should require. I do actually realize that it’s not all about ME and that you yourself may have your own hang-ups, problems, insecurities, and fears.

 I shall eagerly await your hurried reply!

 With love and all sincerity,

 Your future…..oh whatever! I really don’t know of a decent word I want to call myself!

 PS: Writing to you as if you were actually here has been surprisingly cathartic. I may try it again in future. I hope you don’t mind.


Letter to My Beloved

“I’m sitting here tonight listening to the rain fall and I find myself in a very contemplative mood.  I am thinking of you, wondering when God is going to bring us together, wondering if perhaps we have already met and just haven’t yet been ready for that next step in our relationship.  I already have such a tremendous love for you and I know that is part of God preparing me for you.  I long to share my hopes and dreams with you, to be a sounding board for you when you just need to vent, to hold you when you are hurting.  I long to spend time with you and get to know everything about you, from your favorite pasttime to your biggest fear.  I pray God brings us together soon, my beloved.  I cannot wait to start our life together.”


Just a Thought….

“If you want to be happy, you need to be whole. If you want to be married, you simply need a mate. If you want to be happily married, you need to be a whole person married to another whole person.”  – Michelle McKinney Hammond

A Man I Can Trust

The last ten weeks I have been doing a Bible study by Beth Moore. I have always admired and respected her love for Christ, so when a woman in our church decided to lead a study by her I was really excited.

Well, this Thursday night is our last night. I can say that in the past ten weeks my faith has done a 180 in the right direction. I have known Christ as my savior since I was a kid. I always thought I was following him faithfully, but this study was the tool to bring me out of my unbelief and distrust.

As far as our life as Christians goes, generally, we are taught to settle for less. The Church as a whole has about half a dozen sins, on top of the Ten Commandments, that we really hold to. The other issues we simply do not really pay much attention to because they are the unseen. For example: unbelief, pride, arrogance, timidity, oppression, etc.  But,  as long as we don’t run into another Christian with a glass a wine out in public, or see a married friend with another woman, everyone writes their tithe check ,and comes to church regularly, we think they are a “great” Christian. We think their faith is strong and everything is well with them, but brokenness of heart and life can easily be hidden with a smile and  some money  in many circles, and this my friend, is sin.

These rules that we have chosen to hold up as our measure of holiness and freedom are used as a gauge to control, not to heal or redeem.

Let me get to the point.

Jesus. He’s the point. Always has been, always will be. In the last ten weeks I have come to see Him as a flesh and blood human who is worthy of ALL of my trust, who loves me the way I have always wanted to be loved. I have always desired to have a man in my life that would never hurt me, expect me to look the other way when they are sinning, manipulate, betray, you name it. Well, I have finally realized that I have always had Him. He’s always been there, pursuing me.

How faithful is His love for us, that He would lower Himself to follow us around, pursue us through this life in hopes that we would one day, return His love? And this love that we have, it is less than a drop compared to the endless ocean of His. Our love is dirty, and tainted and broken and when it is given back to Him, it disappears into His and we are healed, complete, satisfied, joyful, redeemed and free to love others well, because now it is His love that can flow through our lives.

I hope that you will find that tool He wants to use in your life to make Himself close to you.


Pure Religion

“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit widows and orphans in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27

She was wearing shoes that matched each other. They were on the correct feet. That was a sign to me that she was having a “good day” and her mind was a little more alert than on “bad days”.  She was wearing that same, tired, brown coat that she always likes to wear and said, “Girl, why are you wearing that skirt when it is so cold out?”  It was 70 degrees.  I had come to work an hour early in order to get a few things done before having to open up the office and there she stood, waiting for me.  I have to admit my first thought wasn’t, “What a nice surprise!  I have a visitor!”  It was more like, “Really? I come to work early specifically for the purpose of getting things done without interruption and I have to deal with her?”  Looking back, it’s not my proudest moment, but it’s what I thought at the time. 

When I said, “What can I do for you, sweetie?”  She said, “Well, I remembered that I’m supposed to take my pills this morning and you’re supposed to give them to me.”  She comes to our office every day so we can make sure she takes her vitamins (I work in a 55+ retirement community).  So, I went to the cabinet, got her vitamins, walked into the kitchen to get her a glass of water and grumbled inside myself the entire time.  After all, I was a little stressed, I had a whole list of things I wanted to accomplish today and this was just an extra thing that I did not want to deal with at the moment.  And then, that still small voice said, “THIS is pure religion.” 

I can worship God publicly all I want, I can attend church services faithfully, I can offer Him my talents at those services, but if I’m not willing to show compassion to others Monday through Saturday it all means NOTHING.  Guess I’ve still got a lot of work to do.

— Kristy

I Don’t Want To Be A Parasite…. Let Me Explain.

I think I have to write a blog just to add to what Kristy has posted. I love it, by the way :)!
I’ve had so many people insinuate that I am wasting my life being single. Mean while they are totally miserable in their own marriage. I feel many people marry for the status it gives a person in society or something. They ask me why I don’t just go find someone. Well, getting married is not my goal or purpose in life. I am not just wanting a dress, a ring around my finger and the title of “wife”. I want a relationship filled with the freedom of Jesus Christ and a LIFE lived with purpose. My mom said to me the other day ” Sara, I know what you want. You want someone that you can be your %100 best with and he can be his %100 best with you, at the same time”. I nearly jumped through the ceiling. That is exactly it. Of course, we see one or both spouses sacrifice for raising children (but that is part of being ones best).  I am referring to when we see one spouse completely lose their purpose and identity to see the other spouse flourish. Sort of like what happens with parasites and hosts. I don’t want to be a host that looses it’s life for the parasite, but I don’t want to be a parasite either. Does that make sense?

I seem to be rambling… is it ok to ramble in a blog? I hope so!

Yeah! I am very happy with my life. I am walking in the calling God has placed within me and I am not trying to replace it with marriage. I do believe that marriage can be part of our fulfillment of His purposes, but it is not the ONLY thing. I think when we are not walking in our callings or are in the center of God’s will we try to fill that void with  relationships in order to feel significant.  There is nothing wrong with wanting our life to make a difference in this world,  but if we think that being married is th eONLY way our life will matter then God would have made marriage his requirement for heaven and relationship with God. Jesus wouldn’t have even had to die on the cross for heavens sake!  I don’t think when we finally see Him face to face He will ask…. “So, did you get married or not? How  many kids did you have? Why did it take you so long? You were just way too picky! Your standard were to high! What is wrong with you? You are intimidating!”… These statements don’t sound like the Holy voice of God to me.


It’s Not That Bad, Really…..

Recently I attended a singles event after being badgered and begged (trust me, it takes a lot of begging to get me to go to these things!) It was nice, until the leader got up and stated the purpose of the group. The intentions are great, but he said something along the lines of, “We can do all the social events and fun things we want, but at the end of the day you’re still going home alone. You still deal with loneliness and feeling as though you don’t belong.” His point was they were there to encourage singles and let them know that they are valuable. I, however, was sitting there thinking,”Really? Are things that bad for us? I had no idea!” I know that we all experience loneliness from time to time and I don’t want to discount others’ experiences, but I really believe that while there are singles who struggle with loneliness regularly there are plenty of us who have chosen to embrace the life we have right now and not be defined by our singleness. This is the perfect time to get involved in various activities, ministries, etc. because we’re not tied down to responsibilities that come with being married and having a family of your own.

It seems as though singleness bothers other people more than it does those of us who are actually single.  For single women, it’s as though other people hear our “biological clocks” ticking more loudly than we do.  I can promise you, we know how old we are and we do think about such things from time to time, but for most of us it does not dominate our thoughts day in and day out.  I desire to be married and have children of my own more than anything, but I cannot let it stop me from making the most of the life God has given me now.  If I spend all my time longing for “the one” and scrutinizing every single guy I come in contact with,  scoping out whether he is marriage material or not, how many things am I missing out on?  I could be missing out on a great friendship just because I’ve decided the guy isn’t marriage material and therefore not worthy of my time.

I’d love to hear your thoughts……

— Kristy

“So Why Aren’t You Married Yet?”

Oy vey.  If I had a dollar for every time I’ve been asked this question I would have enough extra cash for a SWEET collection of designer shoes!  I’m sure many of you could say the same thing.  Recently when the question was posed to me I found myself wishing that I had a really clever response, one that might catch the person completely off-guard and maybe even prevent them from ever asking me (or any other single person) again.  The truth is, WE DON’T KNOW why we’re not married.  But if you don’t want to tell the person that, here are a few responses you can use if you’d like:

  • “The voices in my head tell me that marriage is a bad idea.”
  • “I’m part of a nationwide experiment to see if it is possible to be a complete person without being married.”
  • “I’ve been married and divorced already – you mean you never got an invitation to the wedding? Hmm…”
  • “I’m waiting for the guy who is man enough to deal with my mood swings and violent temper – ANY OTHER QUESTIONS?”
  • “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.  I’ve read Donald Trump’s book called How to Have a Successful Marriage cover to cover…..”
  • “Funny you should ask….. just last week I was thinking how cool it would be to elope to Vegas and get married by an Elvis impersonator….. know anyone who’d be interested?”
  • “I’m waiting for a rich old man who is about to kick the bucket and doesn’t believe in pre-nups…..”

I’d love to hear any ideas you might have on other responses!



So, one of the things I have decided to do to make life matter is sponsor a child in poverty through Compassion Intl. Compassion is a Non-Profit Organization that works in 26 developing nations to free children from the bondage of poverty. For $38 dollars a month sponsored children receive medical care, healthy meals, educational assistence, vocational training, counseling.. the list goes on. The children enrolled in Compassion are living in slums with no running water, no bathrooms, appropriate clothing, etc. Compassion works to transform children from the inside out through the love of Jesus Christ and His local church. Compassion does not set up offices to compete with local churches they believe in equipping these churches to change lives.   I have recently become a volunteer advocate with this great organization and I can honestly say they work so hard to not only take care of these children so that they can be productive adults living for God, but they work to be good stewards of the money donated to them through sponsorship and more. More than 80 percent of all money received is used for the programs and the rest is either marketing or administrative costs.  They have recently reached a milestone of One Million Sponsored concurrently and Two million in the history of the organization. 
If you are interested in sponsoring click on the link I have provided and check it out. It is MY personal link. 🙂

And, if you are interested there is a way to assist new mothers and children under four through their Child Survival Program.  30,000 children under the age of four die…. per DAY of curable and preventable diseases.  That is 9/11 every three hours over and over again, every day, and that’s just children UNDER Four!!!!  For $20 dollars a month you can help support programs that educate pregnant and new mothers and provide medical care and counseling for these children to survive and enroll in the sponsorship program.  There’s so much more info.  Let me know if you want to know more. I would be happy answer your questions in a future blog! 

Have a blessed day!


Take Your Church to the movies..

Just a short little heads up….
Hillsong United has made a Documentary for the purpose of uniting, inspiring and waking up the church to what we can do as one body of believers.

Check it out, one night only. Wed. Nov. 4th at 7:30. for details and trailer!


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